Records Management Knowledge Center

Learn how to manage, organize, and store your critical data more efficiently.

Improving the accessibility and security of your data doesn't need to be difficult. Our knowledge base contains all the information you need to make informed decisions when its time to modernize your records management practices.

Government agencies are one the largest sources of paper documentation and microfilm records in the country. This is due to their responsibility for preserving a wide range of important documents, including business licenses, permits, financial documents, historical records, and more, all of which must be kept on file for many years. At one time, paper

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One of the most critical responsibilities that a business has is protecting the sensitive data in its possession. Whether it’s proprietary business processes, internal communications, employee records, or information collected from your customers, your data is under a constant threat of theft or potential exploitation.  And the consequences of such an unfortunate event should not

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For most of the twentieth century, microfiche and microfilm were the preferred methods used to store images, blueprints, schematics, maps, and other important documents for extended periods of time.  At the peak of its popularity, there was no other format with the same versatility or longevity.  Microform technology made it possible to reduce documents on

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Whether it’s customer/client details, financial records, proprietary company information, or employee files, most organizations eventually find themselves in possession of sensitive data. More often than not, a large percentage of that data is stored on paper.

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The increased demand on HR departments to manage these documents added hours of manual data entry, which led to a litany of administrative issues including misfiled/lost records, compliance issues, and inefficient workflows. Thankfully, the source of these issues is well known: outdated paper-based records keeping.

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For medical practices and healthcare facilities, meeting the needs of patients and providing quality care is the top priority. Unfortunately, this huge responsibility comes with a TON of paperwork.  That’s because in addition to the standard employee recruitment and hiring documents, compensation and benefits records, and payroll documents a typical business is responsible for, medical

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As we hurtle towards an increasingly digital world, modernizing your outdated paper processes is more important than ever. While immediate and secure access to vital information has become a basic requirement for any successful business, the need to protect your data from security breaches or leaks has also never been greater.

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If you’ve ever thought about hiring a document scanning company to digitize your paper records, chances are you had a few questions about the process.   And let’s be honest, handing over your business’s valuable and often confidential records to a complete stranger can be a pretty harrowing experience. Your clients, vendors, and employees are

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For over a century, businesses have relied on paper as the primary method of recording, storing, and sharing information. It’s trusted, familiar, and comfortable. However, storing records on paper comes with its own set of challenges. It’s costly to store, inefficient to manage, and becomes increasingly harder to organize as the volume grows. Businesses who

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Along with laws that protect employee rights, labor rules, and safety protections, all of which have their own detailed requirements, employers must adhere to strict employee data retention requirements to keep the business compliant and in good standing.

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