Records Management Knowledge Center

Learn how to manage, organize, and store your critical data more efficiently.

Improving the accessibility and security of your data doesn't need to be difficult. Our knowledge base contains all the information you need to make informed decisions when its time to modernize your records management practices.

For accounting firms, paperwork is a constant companion. From tax documents to financial statements and everything in between, accountants need to keep track of a ton of documentation to get the job done. Keeping these records organized ensures that your practice operates efficiently while also helping you avoid compliance issues down the road.

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Book scanning has become an increasingly popular option for those looking to preserve, share, or access books in a digital format. Digitizing books extends the lifespan of the content they contain, enhances their accessibility, and makes them easier to share an increasingly digital world. Whether your goal is to protect historical texts from the ravages

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Transitioning from paper to digital record-keeping is an exciting step for any business. Just think about all that space you’ll save, and how much easier it will be to find the documents you need. However, scanning your documents is just the beginning. You’ll need to choose a document management system (DMS) to store and organize

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In the not too distant past, microfilm was a revolutionary method of storing information in a compact form. Imagine rooms full of shelves brimming with documents, records, and photographs, all condensed into small, easy-to-store reels and cards—a significant leap in information management for its time. However, this advancement is now a double-edged sword. While many

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Protecting patient data has always been a top priority in healthcare. As the industry was shifting from paper to digital record-keeping, the need for new legislation and standards to keep pace with evolving technology became increasingly important. The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act played a key role in this process.

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From invoices and receipts to detailed financial reports, the ability to organize and efficiently access your financial records is crucial to your business’s success. Simplifying the management of these records not only makes day-to-day operations smoother, it can also give you valuable insights into your financial well-being, helping you make smarter, data-driven business decisions.

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Completing your document scanning project marks a significant leap toward a streamlined, digital future for your business.  However, what comes next is equally important: ensuring that you’re taking advantage of everything there is to be gained from the process. From enhancing data security to modernizing the management and accessibility of your records., the post-scanning journey

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Scanning resolution plays a fundamental role in determining the quality and effectiveness of digitized documents.  While most people are familiar with the term ‘resolution’, understanding its intricacies and the impact it has on scanned materials often remains a mystery.  This guide aims to bridge that knowledge gap, offering a comprehensive understanding of scanning resolutions and

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Once a ubiquitous solution for preserving important documents, microfilm was, at one time, the go-to storage medium for libraries, legal firms, healthcare institutions, and government agencies.

However, the scarcity of microfiche readers and scanners today can make accessing and using this data challenging.

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During the document scanning process, businesses typically extract the most important information from their records to store it digitally as metadata. This metadata can later be used for searching, categorization, or analysis for various purposes.  In most cases, Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology is the go-to solution. However, there are instances where OCR might not

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