The Advantages of On Site Scanning

Scan your documents securely at your office with the help of a professional scanning team.

Scan Paper Documents On Site

Moving paper records to an off-site facility for scanning isn’t always practical. Some documents might be too fragile to transport, while others might contain sensitive information that’s better kept under your direct control. In some cases, regulations may even require files to remain on-site, leaving off-site scanning off the table entirely. Whatever the reason, sending your files out for scanning can sometimes feel like more trouble than it’s worth.

In these situations, on-site scanning services can be a great option, allowing you to scan sensitive documents at your place of business, allowing you to maintain full control over your records throughout the process. You also get the added benefit of having a professional team handle the work for you.

If you’re looking for a way to scan your documents without the hassle of moving them off-site, on-site scanning might be the perfect solution. Keep reading to learn more about how it works and whether it’s a good fit for your business.

What is On-Site Scanning?

Onsite scanning allows businesses to digitize large volumes of paper records without having to move them offsite for processing. Instead, a secure, high-volume scanning environment is set up at your location, complete with all the necessary equipment and trained staff to ensure your documents are digitized securely and efficiently.

This service is designed specifically for businesses that need to scan records that can’t be transported due to legal, security, or logistical reasons.

With our onsite scanning service, we handle everything, from setting up equipment and planning the project to ensuring security every step of the way. This means you get all the benefits of our professional document scanning service without the hassle of managing the scanning process yourself.

What Are the Benefits of On-site Scanning Services?

Hiring a professional like SecureScan to complete your scanning project on-site offers a number of advantages for your business, including:

Meet Your Compliance Requirements 

In certain industries, regulations prohibit businesses from transporting sensitive documents off-site. Our onsite scanning service was designed specifically to address this challenge, delivering the same security, efficiency, and convenience as our professional document scanning service, even when your records can’t leave your premises.

Keep Your Documents Accessible

When your documents are transported to a second location for scanning, it can be difficult to access information quickly should the need arise. This can add unnecessary complications for businesses who need to digitize records that are still actively in use. Scanning documents on-site ensures that your documents stay within arms reach, accessible to your team throughout the duration of your project.

Monitor the Entire Process

Large scale scanning projects are complex, and it’s not unusual to run into situations where we may need input from your team. Completing the work at your facility keeps your employees involved every step of the way, whether it’s providing guidance, answering questions, or simply adjusting priorities as needed. With everything taking place under your supervision, you gain an added layer of accountability and control over your project.

Scan Your Records Efficiently 

Offsite scanning requires a lot of time and effort just to move documents from one place to another. Records have to be sorted, packed, labeled, and shipped to the scanning facility, where they’re stored until processing begins. If the originals need to be repacked and returned, that’s even more handling.

Onsite scanning eliminates these extra steps by bringing the equipment to you, making the process faster, more efficient, and often more cost-effective—especially for larger projects with high volumes of records.

Protect Fragile Documents

Aging or brittle documents can be easily damaged during transport, making offsite scanning a risky option.

Each time a fragile record is handled, the risk of deterioration or damage increases. Onsite scanning reduces unnecessary handling, allowing delicate documents to be digitized while keeping them as intact as possible.

How Does On-Site Scanning Work? 

Our on-site scanning service delivers the same quality, speed, and security as the document scanning services we provide at our facility. With time-tested processes and strict security protocols, we ensure your project is completed securely while protecting the confidentiality and privacy of your data every step of the way.

Step 1: Planning and Preparation

A dedicated team of scanning professionals, including a project manager, will be assigned to your project. Together with your team, they’ll review the project requirements, assess the volume of documents, and determine the equipment and resources needed to get started. Special considerations, such as handling fragile documents, will also be addressed during this stage.

Step 2: Equipment Setup

Our technicians will arrive at your location with everything required for the job, including high-volume scanners, computers, scanning software, and staff to operate it all. All equipment is configured on-site to ensure optimal performance and efficiency before scanning begins.

Step 3: Document Preparation

Next, our team will carefully prepare your documents for scanning. This includes removing staples, smoothing creases, taping down sticky notes, and repairing any tears that could impact the final image quality.

Step 4: Calibration and Testing

Before scanning begins, the equipment is calibrated using a sample of your documents to guarantee accuracy and clarity. Adjustments may also be made throughout the project to account for variations in document size, format, or condition.

Step 5: Scanning and Quality Control

Documents are scanned in batches under the supervision of a scanning specialist. Each image is reviewed by a second technician to confirm accuracy, readability, and consistency. Any images that don’t meet our standards are re-scanned immediately to correct issues.

Step 6: Indexing and Data Organization

Once scanning is complete, the images are passed to our indexing team. They’ll manually extract key details like invoice numbers, dates, or vendor names, and attach them as searchable metadata to make locating your files quick and easy.

Step 7: Document Repack or Secure Shredding

After scanning, your documents are carefully repacked and placed back into their original boxes or filing cabinets, preserving the organization of your existing filing system. If you no longer need the paper copies or are transitioning to digital-only recordkeeping, we also offer secure onsite shredding services to dispose of them immediately, eliminating the need for offsite transport.

Step 8: Final Delivery

Your digitized files are delivered as high-resolution PDFs or TIFFs based on your preference. We can provide them through secure FTP, an encrypted storage device, or upload them directly into your document management system. Once everything is complete, our team will disassemble and remove all equipment used during the project.

Why Choose SecureScan for Your On-Site Scanning Needs?

Eliminating time-consuming paper processes is one of the most effective ways to improve efficiency and keep your sensitive information secure.

Since 2003, SecureScan has been helping businesses digitize their records with care and precision. Our team is committed to providing secure onsite scanning services tailored to your specific needs, while ensuring your data remains secure and protected every step of the way.

Our highly trained scanning professionals will work with you to deliver onsite scanning at an affordable price, right at your location. Contact us today for more information, try our document scanning cost estimator, or get a free quote from one of our scanning technicians.

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