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Document Scanning & Data Capture

Everything you need to know about the benefits of document scanning.

Get tips and tricks to help you better manage your data and rid your organization of antiquated paper processes. Learn about the advantages of going paperless.

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With more businesses moving away from paper and toward electronic recordkeeping, those that can’t transport their records offsite often feel stuck, unable to move forward with digitization. Whether it’s due to security concerns, legal requirements, or logistical challenges, going paperless can seem out of reach. This can quickly turn into a frustrating cycle. Records pile

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Healthcare practices have a lot of records to manage, and keeping them secure is one of their most important responsibilities. Attacks on personal information have become alarmingly common, with PHI (protected health information) being a prime target. The sensitive details contained in these records make them extremely valuable to data thieves and other bad actors.

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Medical practices are moving away from paper-based records in favor of electronic systems. Whether it’s to improve efficiency, meet compliance requirements, or enhance patient care, this transition is becoming standard across the medical industry. Electronic records offer several advantages for healthcare providers and their patients. They simplify organizing and accessing information, reduce the risk of

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Most businesses go through big changes at one point or another. Whether it’s a merger, restructuring, relocation, or even just rapid growth, these kinds of events usually demand your full attention. For that reason, most people don’t put much thought into what is going to happen with their records, and who can blame them? However,

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In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of digitization for small cities and towns, the types of records that can be digitized, and the best approaches to get started. Whether you’re tackling a growing stack of paper or seeking ways to improve efficiency, government records scanning services make the process of going paperless easier and more affordable.

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Utility companies face unique challenges when it comes to records management. From engineering plans and site maps to service reports and regulatory documents, the variety and volume of records they need to keep track of is staggering. These records play an important role in keeping services running smoothly, ensuring regulatory compliance, and maintaining transparency with

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For many businesses, managing invoices can feel like an uphill battle. Paper invoices pile up on desks, while digital ones are lost in a sea of email threads. Keeping everything organized and efficient is no easy task, but invoice scanning can make it a whole lot easier. Invoice scanning is a straightforward yet effective way

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Libraries and government agencies are responsible for managing massive collections of records, and for decades, microfiche was the go-to solution for storing them. From historical documents to public records, microfiche helped these institutions save space while preserving large volumes of information. However, as technology has evolved, so have the ways we share and access data.

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Large format documents are common across many industries, including construction, engineering, architecture, and government. Documents like schematics, survey maps, blueprints, and engineering drawings contain important information that needs to be preserved, often for many years. However, their large and often variable dimensions make them difficult to work with and store, leading many businesses to digitize

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Any business trying to manage a large number of paper records will tell you it can be a major headache. With storage space dwindling and the time it takes to find what you need increasing, it becomes hard to justify sticking with paper recordkeeping. The truth is, records have a way of piling up over

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